Well, I admit maybe an April fool’s joke wasn’t the best motivation to get a blog going. But an idea has been toying on my head where share songs/pieces of music that have influenced me. So without further ado:

Written by prolific session guitarist, Ian Bairnson, Hollywood Heart is a love letter to Los Angeles. Whist personally I may dislike Los Angeles for a variety of reasons, the cultural pull of the paradise city is almost unmatched. It is without much wonder that it captures so many hearts and minds.

This song has a hazy vibe, laced with much reverb and synth effects, maybe portraying the famously polluted city. The Chorus takes us into bold minor chords with a much wider sound. The depth of the bass is appreciated.

In the bridge section, after the par-for-the-course sax solo, the backing takes an alternating approach with guitar and bass fills.

Final Rating: 8/10
